

The body of work SUBTYRANNUS is the fairy tale of the fissure, of fracking, of the facsimile, of the sinkhole. It is a reaction to a culture complacent with the attitude that it is more efficient to throw it out and start over new than it is to fix X. In my art the X value is often manifested as buildings or structures precariously perched on the carcass of a finite world plucked clean; foundations exposed and empty. In the worlds I have created half-assed shrines are erected in a haunting homage to time where handcrafted, high quality materials trumped fiduciary responsibility and bottom line results. 

Did this era ever really exist or is it the ghost of nostalgia painting a more pleasant picture of times passed? These structures expose themselves as cardboard cutouts upon closer inspection. They were never meant to last. Lake beds dry up and expose the remnants of cities bought up so that water could be redirected-- dammed. The attitude of disposable resources has taken its toll environmentally and threatens to seep poisonously into the pool of interpersonal relationships. 


The body of work Onomato-Synesthesia is a reaction to moments in which I was forced to question my understanding of reality. It is an investigation of the connections between seemingly disparate phenomena. I often find myself in awe of serendipitous moments or paralyzed by coincidental tragedies that unfold in a fated synchronicity. Here, imagination triumphs and gives birth to the binding threads of connectivity between otherwise spurious relationships. In these moments a relationship between road kill and my best friend’s failing kidneys becomes possible, despite any explanation that may be grounded in logic or reason. My images flaunt far-fetched connections prolonging these moments of possibility in the face of inaccuracy and absurdity


Birthed from an extended family of creative thinkers, writers, and artists Matthew’s trajectory may have been preordained. At the ripe young age of four in a discussion with his preschool teacher, Matthew confided that he did not know what he wanted to be when he grew up, however, he had a strong interest in “the Winnie the Pooh room and wind-up bananas.” To this day he resists the single-word-employment-title in favor of striving toward the creation of things that have yet to be created. These creations have been exhibited locally and nationally by means of juried art exhibitions and traveling print portfolios.


Personal trips, travels, and general dronery can be viewed at my Youtube page


A Trillion Layers is:

Matthew Krueger



Happily living and working out of Cleveland Ohio.